Command Design Pattern
This post is part of the design pattern series. It covers introduction to command design pattern and it’s implementation.
What are Load Balancers?
This post covers the basics of load balancing and different types of algorithms available.
Circuit Breaker in Microservice Architecture
This post provides an overview of circuit breaker pattern in microservice architecture and how this pattern works.
Health Check API in Spring Boot Application
This post provides a step-by-step guide for exposing a health check endpoint using Spring Boot Actuators.
Client Side Service Discovery in Spring Boot With Netflix Eureka
This post provides a step-by-step guide to setup Netflix Eureka server and how to use it for client-side service discovery in Spring Boot.
Service Discovery in Microservice Architecture
This post provides an overview on service discovery in microservice architecture and covers both client-side and server-side discovery in detail.
Using Multiple Datasource With Spring Boot
This post provides step-by-step guide to configure multiple datasources in a single Spring Boot application.
Multiple Spring Boot Container Using Docker Compose
This post provides a step-by-step guide for deploying multiple spring boot containers using docker-compose.
Metrics Visualization With Grafana
This post provides a brief overview on Grafana and a step-by-step guide to visualize metrics using the same.
Builder Design Pattern
This post is part of the design pattern series. It covers builder design pattern, it’s usages and ways to implement the same.
Spring Boot Url Shortener
This post provides a step-by-step guide to build an URL shortener using Spring Boot and Redis’s in-memory storage.